Sans Bar is a locally owned and operated alcohol free bar and music venue in the heart of Austin, Texas. We offer hand crafted drinks, bottled bevs, and exotic concoctions, as well as locally sourced healthy eats. We believe in promoting social, mental and physical wellness and using our profits to aid local nonprofits to better our community.
Our mission is to provide unmatched and innovative non-alcoholic beverage and food service, quality live music, sober sports viewing, and life courses that invigorate our customers and positively impact our local community through social wellness and philanthropic good.
At Sans bar we’re more than just great drinks and food. We are planning to remain open throughout the day for our community and offer services that benefit your physical, mental, and spiritual health. From classes on healthy eating and meal prep, to yoga events, and even counseling, we have the tools you seek to make this life your best one yet!